
Hilton Head, South Carolina

May 1, 2010 - We left a super hot and humid Savannah to enjoy a weekend with great friends, Sonja & Michael in their home in Hilton Head, SC (I've known Sonja for 10 years, my delightful German sister now living in the south!).  It was such a nice change of pace to finally see friends and take a break from our on the go traveling.  Their absolutely lovely home, warmly decorated by Sonja overlooks Pinckney Island Wildlife Refuge with breathtaking views of the marsh right at their backyard.  The low and high tides of the marsh water is full of texture and life.  What a great haven of unlimited views, where you could sit for hours in their backyard, bird watch and wait for the tide to come in.  Sonja and Michael prepared a savory dinner with fresh local mahi mahi and steaks for their friend, Peggy's birthday, as well as our welcome to their home.

May 2, 2010 - The full day was spent touring the verdant Hilton Head Island and it's local fare.  Our awesome hosts toured us around the charming town, Bluffton then to Sea Pines Plantation where we lazed away on rocking chairs with ice cream and views of the Harbour Town Lighthouse.  We later walked the beach and dolphin watched.  The evening was capped at Hudson's, a local seafood place, known for it's fresh oysters.  Hudson's sits right next to the docks, ready to receive the freshest seafood off the fishing boats. 

Charlie and I were super grateful to enjoy and tour this laid back island with familiar faces and the warmest hospitality from Sonja and Michael.
Enjoying the view at Sonja and Michael's backyard deck.
Michael grilled up the fresh catch of mahi mahi, picked up from Bluffton. Yum.
Lovely dinner at Sonja & Michael's gorgeous home.
Sonja, with Peggy the birthday celebrant.
View of the tide coming right in Sonja & Michael's backyard.
Breakfast made to view nature for days from their backyard.
More spectacular views from the deck.
Our first shot together in the sun-kissed morning, shot by actual people, not a tripod! 
Church of the Cross, a quaint Gothic church situated next to the water with fabulous breeze.  Est. 1767, Bluffton.
Fishing boats of the Bluffton Oyster Co., doing it old school style and serving up fresh catches, next to the Church of the Cross.
A dolphin swimming off Hilton Head Island.
One of many jellyfish we saw beached on the sand.
This white sand beach was empty, with sand going forever.  Kicking it on worn driftwood.
Michael eagerly ready to chow down fresh oysters at Hudson's.
A silver lined sunset on the docks at Hudson's.


  1. AHHHH you guys are at my favorite place on the planet!!
    i love South Carolina! My grandma lives right by Bluffton!
    i have seen that Chruch and the lighthouse..soo rad!!
    ahhh the beaches are the best there ;)
    looks like you are having a sunny blast!

  2. hoy!!! we loved it here! how awesome that grandma lives in bluffton! that town is so cute.
