
Denali Park Backcountry Wildlife

Aug. 10, 2010 - During our back country bus tour of Denali, we witnessed wildlife in their natural habitat.  So rad.  We saw our first grizzly bear, grizzly cubs at play, caribou crossing, moose hiding in the brush, Dall sheep lazing around on the hillside, a Ptarmigan bird looking for micro-sized food, and sub-arctic squirrels looking for trouble.  At camp, we also saw an arctic fox lurking around in the black spruce for squirrels.  It was truly a highlight to view the animal wildlife alive and at play.

OMG. our first grizzly bear siting!  Even from afar, we were too happy to see them.  Too cute, these cubs were playing!
Mama and her cubs... We were on a cliff road, that's why pics are tiny.
More mama and cubs walking!
Caribou crossing.
The ptarmigan.  Alaska's state bird.
Arctic ground squirrel.
Dall sheep, regally perched on a hill.  And overlooking fabulous tundra.
These male Dall Sheep are totally enjoying their homeland vistas.

1 comment:

  1. Hot dog!, those pics of the sheep are UNREAL! Meg and I were talking tonight about your postcards and how we need to put AK on our bucket list.
