
Flightseeing in Kluane National Park, YT

Aug. 4, 2010 - From the Haines Junction airport, Charlie and I took the most memorable ride of our lives.  We decided, as birthday gifts to us, to take a flightseeing tour of Canada's glaciers and icefields in Kluane National Park and Preserve.  This was truly a most unforgettable trip and an awe-inspiring sight to see.  We were flying amongst giants, literally sweeping right next to the ranges, situated in the St. Elias Mountains.  Never have we seen such beauty, on a clear day, nonetheless, of spectacular monoliths of ice valleys and more.  Pictures do not do true justice. 
 Our little plane we took on the flightseeing tour.
 Charlie and I, grinning ear to ear are completely stoked.
First view of the Valley glacier with the plane's wing.
Glacier Icefields take the floor!
The 2nd tallest peak in North America, Mt. Logan at 19,551 feet.
Soaring over valleys of ice.
Another jaw-dropping view of Mt. Logan.
Sweeping through the St. Elias Mountain Range.
Right next to Mt. Kennedy.  Aptly named after RFK who ascended the peak.
Crazy waved clouds and seas of white.
Glacier crevasses with windex blue pools.  (The water is so blue because the ice absorbs all the red tones from light and reflects an intensity of blue)
Flying right next to the glacier crevasses of the icefield.

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